The Problem

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a rather complex process involving several steps that at best confuses patients and at worst prevents them from considering it as a viable option. Particular subproblems I was interested in addressing were as follows:

What we did

My team and I built the Karina platform which has both a patient-facing application and a physician dashboard. Through sending timely reminders to patients and giving them personalized responses to their questions, we were able to make the IVF process simpler and more accessible. The physician dashboard allows physicians to easily monitor patients under their care.

Left: Screenshot of a user using the in-app chatbot. Right: Physician dashboard showing page to retrieve patient data.

Karina was built completely on the cloud, based on three fundamental principles (1): Security, (2): Elasticity & Scalability, and (3): Availability. Using these design principles, we deployed a fully cloud-native application.

Figure: The full architecture of the cloud-native application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud.

Through Karina, we were able to: